Eliza's Birth Story

My pregnancy with Lizzie was way different than my pregnancy with Liam. With Liam I had all this time to think about my baby and labor. But with Lizzie it was just this whirlwind of chasing the toddler, sweet baby kicks, and keeping everything together. My favorite memory of her during my pregnancy was laying on the couch one day with the warm spring sun streaming through the window. Liam was playing in the background and she was tumbling and dancing in my belly. As I watched her move my whole stomach it finally set in that her birthday was just around the corner and I just marveled at who she already was and who she would become.

My doctor had decided that I should be induced because Eliza was so big. He even talked about wanting to schedule a c-section but I was 100% against that and let him know that I wouldn't be doing that unless the baby or I was in serious danger. However, I did give into being induced.

I really wanted everything to start on it's own of course. So everyday leading up to my scheduled inducement date we did all the things to make a baby get out. ALL THE THINGS.

The night before I was supposed to be induced we put Liam to sleep as usual and then had a dance party. Because, she definitely wouldn't want to miss a dance party and hopefully it would convince her to move down south. ;) I specifically remember dancing to "I've Got A Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. We were jumping and dancing like crazy people. In fact, mom came up stair concerned we were being attacked by ninjas because there was so much noise. I was convinced that by dancing I could get my water to break.

That didn't work so my prego-self tried to do jumping jacks. I did like two and was convinced my water broke because I lost all the liquid. Turns out I just peed myself. Good times, good times. We didn't go to the hospital or anything but after a while nothing had happened so we determined it was just pee.

After a while of goofing off we got serious, made sure everything was packed and got ready for bed. We had to be at the hospital at 5am in the morning the next day and that meant we had to leave by 4am to get there on time. We kissed goodnight said, said a prayer, and passed out hard.

Man, I slept so well. Like I wasn't even pregnant well, like I hadn't slept in decades well. And we overslept. Big Time. We woke up at 6:30am in a panic. Would we be having a baby today? Were we in trouble? We didn't know what was going to happen.

We jumped in the car and drove like maniacs towards the hospital as if Caleb could make up us being super late by being there 5 minutes earlier. Because logic. I called the hospital in the car and the sweetest nurse in the world assured me that it was okay, to slow down, and that things would start when we made it in. Funny enough, I actually started having contractions in the car ride.

We strolled in late at about 7:45am went through the check-in process and went to a room to lay down where, I swear, I was forever. They started the induction and we waited. Contractions were getting a little stronger but were completely manageable. Caleb worked some, we took stupid photos on my laptop webcam, we talked about the day, and made some phone calls.

I remember sitting in the hospital bed in that ugly blue backless gown pulled all the way up to my chest, rubbing my belly and telling Eliza about the good day we were going to have and how excited we were to meet her.

Time passed. Contractions picked up. The heart-rate monitor slipped off my belly ten thousand times and then we changed rooms. This was it. This was the room where my baby girl would come into the world. It was much more modern that the room Liam was born in. There was a big window that let in beautiful natural light that I welcomed during my labor. There was a lovely view of cement roof top right outside of it. ;) Plenty of seating for family members made for the perfect room for me because we have all the family.

I am super focused during labor and all my thoughts and prayers are very internalized. I focus on how my body feels and mentally try to prepare myself for what I am about to do.

Contractions. Lemon Ice. Contractions. Lemon Ice. (There was no Blue Bell ice cream because the Blue Bell ice cream plant was still shut down.)

At some point family began arriving and although I am super thankful they were there I have no idea when they came or left because I was focused.

The epidural guy, that's what I'm calling him, came in. Gave me the scary "Are you sure? You might die" talk and prepped my back. I held Caleb's hand, very aware that if I had done this before I could do it again. I prayed. It was over, quick and easy.

Even though I got an epidural I still felt my contractions pretty strong.  I laid on my side and contractions spiked the monitor repetitively.

The nurse came in and checked me and I was only a 3. "You have quite a while," she said. "I'll come back and check on you in about an hour." My contractions were growing in strength and regularity. I could feel my body preparing itself.

Less than 20 minutes later I called the nurse and told her she better come check me or I would be having the baby without them soon. She hurried into the room, expecting me to be over reacting, and checked me and I was at a 10. Eliza had already started her descent.

The nurse called the doctor somewhat frantically and they ran around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get everything together so I could push. They finally gathered around me and were like "ready to do this?" Ummm, duh. Like 20 minutes ago would have been nice.

Caleb held my arm. He steadied me. He is the greatest supporter, he loves me so well. In this moment, he was a voice of strength and encouragement and I am forever grateful.

Pushing was a breeze. I literally only pushed three rounds of counting to ten and she was out before the end of the last one.

She was here, Eliza Jane Rogers was born at 5:20pm  July 20th, 2015. Weighing 9lbs 13oz and measuring 21 1/4in long. 

Immediately she was placed on my bare chest and our nursing relationship began. I was so in awe of how easy she latched and how perfectly little and pink she was. She was so aware and awake and the woman was hungry. I promise I was feeding her well in there, she just wanted more.

Caleb and I just marveled at our new sweet baby and how our lives had just changed. We had just become a family of four and we were awestruck at this little thing that would take over and change all of our lives. Eventually we let other people hold her and my mom got the honor of being first after Caleb and I. Family came in and met her until she was well aquatinted with them all.

Then I stole my new baby back and gave her all the snuggles and breastmilk in the world. We moved into our postpartum room and my sweet mama brought my Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Hmmmm Texas Roadhouse.

The next few days are a blur. Feed the baby, talk to nurses, get in trouble for not writing down when I change your diaper, feed the baby, change the diaper, wake up the husband, find something to eat. They were long days filled with the sweetest memories of snuggles and newborn smell. 

I didn't know how it would be possible to love someone as much as I love your brother. But then you were here and my heart swelled with more love than I could contain. I have always wanted a little girl, since I myself was a child dragging around my doll Emily, you are that little girl that I always wished for and I am so thankful for you. 

The name Eliza means oath of God or God's promise and that has become so evident in your life thus far in many ways. Jane, is my grandmother Nancy's middle name, she has been such an incredible blessing and staple of love in my life. Jane means Jehovah has been gracious, and oh how he has. He blessed us with her and also with you sweet girl. Your name is so dear and important to us.

This is your birth story baby girl, this is how you came into the world, wide awake and hungry. Stay hungry baby, stay hungry.  

“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” -Steve Jobs


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